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A: 12435 Limonite Ave., Suite 560 T: (951) 681-2816


A: 4275 Concours Dr., Suite 100 T: (909) 476-7768

Emergency Red Eye Visits within Ontario and Eastvale

Sunrise Optometry provides emergency red eye visits to clients in Eastvale and Ontario. We have knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can help you. This includes everything from taking your history, getting examined and going through your options.

In addition, we can help you to resolve issues that are discovered during the examination process. Medication can be given for people experiencing contact lens-related issues, for example. We can also assist individuals who have eye irritation from their lenses or from foreign bodies. Our service professionals are experienced in providing the best level of customer care possible.

Eye Care

Advanced eye care is available to our customers at Sunrise Optometry. It isn’t unusual for people to experience major eye irritation from wearing contact lenses. We can help you if your eyes are hurting, sore, or red with irritation from foreign bodies or other conditions.

Medication is available for all of the major contact lens-related issues, and we can determine the best way to deal with the foreign body. This includes removing the foreign body as well as providing the appropriate medication so that the eye doesn’t become infected. Trust the friendly professionals at Sunrise Optometry to help you resolve red eye, irritation, and inflammation while improving your daily quality of life through brand name glasses.

Our patients normally get a follow-up appointment, which might require a third appointment. We understand the need to provide customized solutions to our clients in order to address a variety of needs. This is why our professionals are fully trained and experienced in providing the personal attention that you deserve. This is a more friendly experience than the one you can expect from retailers like Walmart and Costco.

We have decades of experience in this industry, and we understand how to provide the personalized experience you deserve. Contact us today to set up an initial appointment or come into our store to get the care you need at a reasonable price.

What are "red eyes" and how can they be treated?

Red eyes, also known as "conjunctival injection," refer to the appearance of blood vessels on the surface of the eye, causing the white part (sclera) to become pink or red in color. This condition can be caused by various factors, including infections, allergies, irritants, trauma, or underlying medical conditions. While infections by bacteria or viruses can lead to red eyes, they can also be caused by non-infectious factors such as foreign objects, irritants, allergies, dryness, and inflammation.

Treatment for red eyes depends on the underlying cause. If the redness is caused by an infection, such as conjunctivitis (commonly known as "pink eye"), the treatment might involve prescribed medicated eye drops or ointments containing antibiotics or antiviral medications. Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with antihistamine eye drops or oral antihistamines to relieve symptoms. If the redness is due to dryness or irritation, lubricating eye drops can help alleviate discomfort. For more severe cases or cases where the underlying cause is not clear, it's important to consult an eye care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of red eye / What are the most common causes of red eye?

The most common causes of red eyes include:

  1. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): This can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, allergies, or irritants. It leads to redness, itching, tearing, and discharge.
  2. Allergies: Exposure to allergens like pollen, pet dander, or dust mites can trigger an allergic reaction, resulting in red, itchy, and watery eyes.
  3. Dry Eyes: Insufficient tear production can cause the eyes to become red, irritated, and sensitive to light.
  4. Foreign Objects or Irritants: A foreign object or irritant, such as dust, debris, or chemicals, can cause redness and discomfort.
  5. Contact Lens Overwear or Misuse: Wearing contact lenses for extended periods without proper hygiene or following recommended schedules can lead to red eyes.
  6. Eye Strain: Prolonged use of digital devices or focusing on tasks for extended periods can lead to eye strain and redness.
  7. Injury or Trauma: Any injury to the eye can cause blood vessels to become dilated, resulting in redness and possible pain.
  8. Uveitis: This is an inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye. It can cause redness, pain, and light sensitivity.

What does red eye look and feel like?

A red eye typically appears pink or reddish due to dilated blood vessels on the sclera. The eye might feel irritated, itchy, and gritty. In some cases, there could be a sensation of burning or stinging. Increased tear production can lead to tearing or watery eyes, and sensitivity to light (photophobia) is also common.

How can red eyes be prevented?

To prevent red eyes:

  1. Follow Contact Lens Care: If you wear contact lenses, adhere to proper hygiene and wearing schedules as advised by your eye care professional.
  2. Protect Eyes: Use protective eyewear in situations where eye injury is possible, such as during sports or activities that could involve flying debris.
  3. Manage Allergies: If you have allergies, manage them with prescribed medications and by avoiding triggers.
  4. Practice Good Hygiene: Wash hands regularly, avoid touching the eyes, and keep makeup and cosmetics clean to prevent irritation.
  5. Take Screen Breaks: If you spend extended periods looking at screens, take breaks to rest your eyes and reduce eye strain.

When should you see a doctor?

You should consider seeing an eye care professional if:

  • Redness persists for more than a couple of days.
  • There is severe pain, discomfort, or vision changes.
  • You experience discharge, itching, or burning.
  • You have a history of eye problems or conditions.
  • The redness is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headache or fever.

Seeking prompt medical attention is important to diagnose the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment to prevent potential complications and vision loss.

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